Mein Mein NS+P

Consulting _

Interdisciplinary management consulting in Aachen

NS+P Consulting – Companies on the move need partners with a holistic view.

There is a dilemma with the term we use as a headline over what we do: Consulting. It is neither protected nor clearly defined. And is therefore used in a wide variety of contexts. As an interdisciplinary management consultancy with business economists, lawyers, tax consultants and auditing expertise, we nevertheless use it quite deliberately and for good reason. The original translation from Latin is “to consider carefully”. This is not only congenial to us. No, it also sums up the difference that our clients perceive in NS+P Consulting as a management consultancy: maturity.

The people at NS+P are experienced in their respective specializations and proven in interdisciplinary teamwork. This produces mature consulting results for companies that develop new products, invest in innovations, enter new markets, adapt business models, train employees, retain employees or cooperate with other companies.

NS+P Consulting advises entrepreneurs in the western Rhineland and especially in the Aachen region on start-ups, growth and change processes holistically and with a high sense of responsibility. This is because the constitutive business decisions are closely related to capital and financing decisions. Our interdisciplinary teams of consultants therefore keep an eye on the interrelationships between strategy, legal structuring options, finance and taxes.

This is where we support you – as management consultants or in the role of appraisers and auditors. Within the framework of due diligence, we ascertain information about a company that is relevant for decision-making, evaluate the profitability of planned investments and prepare planning calculations. We determine company and asset values and accompany cooperation and sales negotiations at your side. Depending on your consulting needs, our interdisciplinary teams work together with external experts, whom we have access to in our network in the economic region of Aachen and beyond, which has grown over two decades.

Talk to us about management consulting with a holistic view.

Our competencies:

  • corporate finance
  • valuations
  • due diligence
  • integrated corporate planning
  • liquidity planning and financing consulting
  • investment analyses and budget planning
  • support in credit negotiations
  • transaction consulting
  • controlling
  • cost and performance accounting
  • start-up consulting
  • organization and process consulting
  • consulting for operational accounting processes
  • consulting in crisis and insolvency
  • preparation of expert opinions on valuation and reorganization
  • support in the establishment and implementation of a compliance management system, in particular tax compliance management systems

Your contact person

Jana Ladygan
Tel: +49 (241) 44 666 – 0

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